Social & Pastoral Ministry

We are filled with joy and gratitude as we celebrate a century of existence, marking 100 years of love, service, and dedication to God’s work. We thank God for journeying with us throughout this time. Our Foundress, Mother Kevin, did not walk alone; she was joined by countless friends and partners from various institutions who continue to support us today.

To our dear collaborators, we express our sincere appreciation for your care, support, and commitment in all forms, which have shaped us into who we are today. We are also deeply grateful to our Spiritual Animators, whose guidance has nourished our spiritual life. May God continue to strengthen and inspire you with abundant blessings.

As baptized members of the Church, we share in the kingly, priestly, and prophetic offices of Jesus Christ. This sacred responsibility guides us in all our apostolic works, which are aimed at rebuilding God’s Church. Some sisters are trained as catechists and pastoral workers, while others have dedicated themselves to Religious Education as a full-time ministry.

In many parishes, we engage in activities for children, youth, women, men, and choir groups. Through these, the sisters offer their services to strengthen the community.

Guided by the Covenant Law (Ex 22:21-22; Lev 19:13-15; Dt 23:19, 24:19), the Prophets (Isa 1:17), and the Beatitudes (Mt 5:1-12), we strive to follow the teaching, example, and person of Jesus Christ. Central to our mission is our commitment to the poor, reflecting the spirit of Synodality and the social nature of humanity as described in Genesis 1:27.

Through the spirit of St. Francis and Mother Kevin, we reach out with compassion to the marginalized. Social work is an essential part of our apostolate and charism, allowing us to serve as prophetic witnesses of God’s love. As part of Christ’s Body, the Church, we dedicate ourselves to serving the poor and needy, always prioritizing charity and service.

Over the past century, we have cared for orphans, the elderly, the homeless, the destitute, the physically challenged, the visually impaired, the deaf and mute, refugees, street children and families, and disadvantaged men and women. We have been blessed to carry out this apostolate across three East African countries and the USA.

  • Orphanages in Uganda and Kenya
  • Providence Homes for the aged in Uganda and Kenya
  • Feeding programs in Tanzania
  • Mama Kevina Hope Center, Home, and School for the deaf in Kenya
  • Refugee camps and street children centers in Kenya and Uganda
  • Ukweli Home of Hope for street boys in Kenya
  • Domestic science schools and vocational training centers in Uganda and Kenya

In addition to these ministries, we have developed sustainable programs in agribusiness, catering, secretarial work, and administration.

As the world evolves, so do the social and pastoral issues we face, particularly with the advancement of technology. To remain relevant in our mission and to continue serving the Church, we need more vocations to Consecrated Life within our Institute. This will ensure the continuity and sustainability of our charism, mission, and vision.

We are grateful that our Institute’s work is in high demand across many regions, a testament to our commitment to walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. As we enter the new century, we will continue to embrace our mission by adding intrinsic value to the lives of the communities we serve, all to the honor and glory of God.

May our Foundress, Mother Mary Kevin, Servant of God, intercede for us. My God and my All, St. Francis, pray for us!